

我家狗以前被关起来两个月,饿的受不了了就会翻垃圾桶里的东西吃 -_-# 现在已经改不了这毛病,经常翻垃圾桶 我觉得吧,只要不是长期不给它吃饭应该都没啥事 不过,还是不要这样折腾宠物比较好。万一哪天它饿得忍不住吃了有毒的东西怎么办? 我的金毛最近老偷鱼吃。现在肚子不舒服 - -||| 我还担心它得肠炎呢。

我家的两只狗狗都是喂狗粮和肉饭的。有时候弄点蔬菜什么的打在饭里给它吃。 平时也会喂它们吃点水果、面包之类的 -3- 有一次给狗狗煮了一碗面,结果这家伙吃了两碗! 太能吃了。。。 一只成犬每天大概要吃多少粮啊?

还有,怎么喂狗狗吃肉比较安全? 我每次把肉撕碎和饭一起蒸,然后喂它们的时候加点盐拌一下就行啦~ 这样会不会对狗狗身体不好吖? 其实我觉得还是喂狗粮比较方便嘛..

而且也省心很多... 唉,养狗好累哦~~ 我家狗狗挑食。。。我愁死了 =0=

其实,我也想过干脆不养了算了。。。 可是都养了两年多了,怎么说扔就扔呀…… 所以我还是继续养着它好啦~ 不管怎么样都不会把它遗弃的! 这个是我的博客,里面有关于我养狗的心得和经验哦 希望对你有帮助^^


一个有关小狗的感人故事(英文) A dog’s story(2) On April second, our vet came to the hospital because he had been called by a woman who said that she was going to kill her dog as it could not be saved after having eaten something poisonous.He told us about what happened during his visit: “When I arrived at their house, there were several people in agony——the dogs’ owner and two neighbors from whom one of them kept on saying, 'She has only killed my dog; yourdog is alive!' The owners of both dogs looked very ill indeed with bluish lips and faces.I asked how long they had waited before calling me: ‘One hour,’ replied someone, ‘But it seemed like more than an hour!‘ I examined the animals first.The neighbor’s dog turned out to have swallowed nothing but some chocolate which didn’t affect him much, while ours was in worse shape-with vomiting, diarrhea and a general state of poor condition.” He then went on to explain why so many animal cases end up as being hopeless.“Mostly,” he explained, “people don’t call until hours or even daysafter their pet has eaten the poison; too often, the effects upon the food have already spread through the body and it becomes irreversible.Only if we get to patients within halfanhour does there any hope for recovery.This case was really close to impossible since it must have taken over threehours till I got there!” We agreed wholeheartedly and tried to persuade him to take care of the dog just this once despite all odds.However, when he finally finished examining the patient, his diagnosis left no room for doubt: "It will die soon," he said simply and stood up:“Sorry, guys! But life goes on…" So here I am again writing another



刚开始以为他是吃了就睡了,第二天就没睡醒,谁知道到了中午还没睡醒,下午也没睡,到了晚上还是没睡!这已经是第三天了。 然后我就给买了一个零食给他,他一看到立马就两眼放光,像几天没有吃饭一样狼吞虎咽的吃起来,边吃还边叫嚷着“饿啊”。 我当时被惊到了,赶紧冲回去拿了一包小饼干给他,才吃完不久他就睡着了,到凌晨5点多醒了,开始到处闻,好像想上厕所就去厕所里拉尿,接着又跑到厨房去喝水,期间还吐了一点东西出来。 后来,6点左右他又自己睡着了。
